CCC Rugby Shorts with Pockets (Nv) Canterbury of New Zealand
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CCC Rugby Shorts with Pockets (Nv) Overview
#720099.NV Elastic waist with drawstring. Side seam pockets. 2 inch inseam. 100% cotton.
CCC Rugby Shorts with Pockets (Nv) Feature
- Made of sturdy cotton, shorts are soft and almost polished feeling to the touch for comfort
- Reinforced sides and crotch area to help prevent tears while being tackled and lifted in lineouts. Deep reinforced pockets allow secure binding in scrums between locks and frontrow.
- Minimal 2 inch inseam helps keep shorts from hindering running stride and catching on middle of thigh for bigger players
- Cord draw string with elastic waist band helps keep it fitting snuggly and to your desired fit
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